Adventure: Surviving Snow

8:57 AM

In honor of the upcoming winter months, I’ve decided I should blog about snow -- not for the snowbirds that know all the tricks to surviving frosted days, but for us Miami people about to venture out into the unknown for a "white Christmas." 

I know what you’re thinking, what does a Miami Girl know about snow? 
Well, I know that it sucks. 
See, December of 2013, @ruthiedaily (my best friend) and I decided we were in desperate need of a vacation. After a quick Facebook chat, we booked our impromptu flights to our favorite city on the East Coast, New York City. Our reasoning (like you need one to visit NYC!)? We wanted to see snow. 
::face palm:: how naive of us.

What we learned, rather quick, is that no one prepared us for the weather conditions we were about to endure. 
No one told us that you shouldn’t touch snow with your bare hands or you won’t feel your fingers for the next two hours. And no, running them under hot water does not help. 
No one told us that rain boots, worn with double (or even triple) socks are absolutely necessary. Otherwise your feet get wet and eventually your toes will go numb, and you’ll only learn this once you start losing your balance. 
Mind you, rain boots worn with three socks and tights and whatever else I could fit under my jeans, did not keep my toes dry. It simply made the experience a bit more bearable. 
No one told us that Chapstick and lipstick will not prevent chapping. No, I’m not wearing lipstick in this picture. 
No one told us that a snowman was actually hard to make. (Meet Carl, my itty bitty snowman!)
And no one told us that it was worth investing in touch-screen gloves. 
Sounds a tad miserable, and yet, I just booked a flight for a January trip to Chicago. Why? Alexis wanted to see snow, and honestly, I'm in the mood to build a snowman. As long as you have these tips under your belt, you'll be solid. Best of luck on your winter adventure! 

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