Adventure: Taking on Dragon Flight Zipline in Labadee, Haiti

8:53 PM

I currently work as a marketing coordinator for an international pool company. Every year, we host an event for our best customers on a major cruise line. Three days prior to setting sail, they had a staff member drop out last minute and asked me to join in. The compensation:  It would be an all-expense paid trip with a premium drink card included for both me and a guest (aka Alexis). Needless to say, we said YES and three days later we were heading to Haiti.

I've never quite seen something as absolutely breathtaking as Haiti. When I looked out my cabin river and took in this very site, I gasped like a child on Christmas morning.  The vibe was so relaxed, the music played by local musicians set the tone, and the crisp blue waters boarding green mountains was postcard worthy. But amidst all the relaxation, this resort section of Haiti also inspires a bit of adventure.

 Home to the longest over-water zip line in the world, Dragon Breath Zipline, Labadee provides you the chance to plummet 500 ft over the mountains and caribbean ocean for a fee of $90.

The view from the top was absolutely stunning and nerve wrecking. They offer you training on a smaller zipline and though that seems fairly easy and you grow confident thinking "I got this," it doesn't nearly compare to the sudden fear and inevitable adrenaline rush you experience when you walk out onto that final ledge. As someone who is absolutely terrified of heights, I must say, I HIGHLY RECCOMEND THIS!

It's listed as one of the things you have to do before you die and there's a reason why. The view you see as you're going down at 60 mph is unlike anything you've ever seen, and the adrenaline you feel when you land is unlike any other high (unless you've skydived. In which case, you're a badass because I'm too chicken to try it). As soon as you're done, you're ready to lounge out with a cold drink in hand and people watch those plunging down 500 ft. Definitely a worthy adventure.

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