Adventure: Taking On Aerial Dance

9:46 AM

Let's kick start this post with a cliche -- when's the last time you did something for the first time?

I ask this because it's true....think back to the last 6 months of your life. When is the last time you broke your routine and did something that was great for your soul? Something that had no relevance to your career, or schooling, or family life ...when's the last time you did something just for you?

I've wanted to try aerial dance for about two years, and I always held back. Partially because I couldn't find a studio, but also because I couldn't convince a single soul to do it with me. I've always looked at these sorts of classes as a fun spin on girls nights, and I kept putting it off until I finally came across a Groupon for a studio a few blocks away from my house...$45 for 10 classes (still available here).

 After some deliberation, I decided I needed to take the leap and do this for me, and so I bought my Groupon and signed up for my first silks class.

The Result: The most physically challenging, painful, full-body workout I've ever endured...and also the most incredible feeling I've felt in quite some time.

After my car accident in 2013 that resulted in a broken shoulder blade, I lost all of my upper-body strength and my workout routine. I've set out to rebuild that this year and this (and yoga) happens to be my greatest motivation..

As I stand among a group of slender, strong women who can climb that silk to the roof, I find myself more and more motivated to do push-ups and pull-ups at home. They look so graceful as they manipulated their bodies around the silk and I really want to do the same.

Why? I have no idea. It certainly has no relevance to my life -- I'm not going to quit my job and join a circus, or do anything of that sort. It simply feeds my soul, makes me excited for Mondays and challenges me both physically and mentally. And sometimes, that's the best reason you need to try something...taking on a hobby because it makes you happy.

If You Go: 
The schedules and registration are available online. Make sure you bring a yoga mat and wear workout will break a sweat.

Pole Dance Miami 
7207 SW 48th Street

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