- Kiss that person as often as possible, and with so much passion, Nicolas Sparks would write about your romance
- Travel by yourselves. Visit a place you’ve never been, get drunk in a new city, kiss on the streets and try a new activity; build memories exclusive to the two of you
- Partake in their hobbies. It’s important to them, so it should be important to you
- NEVER get lazy with love. Show them how much you love them on a daily basis
- Argue respectfully, talk out the issues and let it go. Do not hold a grudge, it gets you nowhere
- Give them their place in public and in private; demonstrate respect and admiration and it will be reciprocated
- Defend each other against unfair family opinions
- Set out to make them feel like the most special person that’s ever walked this earth
- Make fun of each other in a playful and gentle manner
- Prioritize alone time, but get in good with their friends